Osgiliath Enterprise Framework
If you’re searching for the other Osgiliath project “Osgiliath evolutionary framework” from Pablo Garcia you’re on the wrong site (it’s here)
It aims to fulfill common enterprise dilemmas and requirements at lesser effort.
To summarize, Osgiliath allows you to code from the ui to the database in a clean, modular and service oriented way.
SOA everywhere
Osgiliath framework supports many servicing protocol, at all level of granularity:
- REST and at a high granularity
- Websocket for real time web communication between the browser and your servers
- OSGI services for intra-JVM component communication for fine grained servicing
Uses of Enterprise integration patterns
With the help of Apache Camel Osgiliath leveraged to a complete Enterprise Service Bus
With the help of OSGI bundle precept, you’ll be able to hot deploy multiple versions of a product on a same JVM so ensuring the non-regression of your entire system without any downtime.
You’ll also be able to hot deploy or undeploy every piece of software, or an entire application in a click, leading to a no outage, always on the wire system.
Testable at each levels, CI ready
Test driven development and continuous deployment ready, each parts of the framework are testable with unit or end to end tests.
As an addition, each kind of tests outputs metrics that are interpretable by quality tools like Sonarqube.
Based on standards and cutting edge technologies
When possible, capabilities are provided by Java standards (JSRs or OSGI RFCs…) or de-facto ones: Bean Validation 1.1, JMS 2, JaxRS 2, JPA 2, JTA 1.1, JMX, JaxB, JsonP, Blueprint services, DI, CDI 1.1, Servlet 3, AngularJS
On the cutting edge
Developers will gain in productivity and be happy to work with Osgiliath framework with the help of fashionable frameworks they love:
Functional programing with Guava and Java8 or even Scala.
Boilerplate code reduction with Lombok
AngularJS and Twitter Bootstrap (Yeoman) framework for UI programming
You already know it
By this subtle combination of well-known frameworks developers are already familiar to Osgiliath.
Easy to use
Finally, a fully featured (Maven) build chain and project skeleton generation will considerably reduce the amount of work needed to make these things alive (for example OSGI is sometimes considered as an over engineering stuff, but the use of multiple simplifications will helps you to drastically reduce this overhead).
Osgiliath framework is mainly an aggregation of existing well known open source libraries, and is also Apache licensed: if something does not fit to your needs, one can always clone the project on Github and make the customization.
Continuous integrable, Quality oriented, Documentation friendly
Osgiliath in thought for enterprise so you’ll have easy ways and shortcuts to makes it running in a CI environment