
  1. Karaf 4.0.4 support: all modules have been reimplemented
  2. ActiveMQ 5.13 (better Stomp over websocket support
  3. Model on blueprint annotation scanning
  4. Get rid of the blueprint alternatives


  1. Typo fixes
  2. Social feature with Apache Agora
  3. Many dependencies upgrades
  4. Better Archetype generation
  5. Sonar quality improved


  1. Huge dependency refactor
  2. Use of JaxRS application instead of proprietary annotations for CDI
  3. Upgrade to Karaf 3.0.3
  4. Sass support
  5. Angular, Bower and NPM upgrades


  1. Start level and description on all features
  2. Pax-JDBC declarative database creation
  3. Generate readme automatically in technical documentation while present at root


  1. Completely rethought features architecture
  2. Maven site generation support
  3. Use of Spring-jms instead of Camel for blueprint business archetype
  4. Full integration in a CI environment
  5. Cookbooks added in the documentation
  6. JMS and Database transactions are now compatibles
  7. JCA based connection factory to avoid HawtIO unnamed connection factory errors


  1. Hawt IO managing support
  2. Swagger REST service querying with CDI modules
  3. New Angular file layout
  4. Optional Scala programming support
  5. Bugfixes on REST exception mapper
  6. Sample now handles errors
  7. Multiples dependencies versions updates (as well as Javascript ones)
  8. Updated Javadoc plugin to handle large projects


  1. Liquibase database versioning integration
  2. JaxRS 2.0 support
  3. Swagger API/ui REST queries integration (only with blueprint)
  4. Jaxb Xsd generation


  1. Selenium support
  2. Centralized Integration tests configuration
  3. Code smell issues from Sonar
  4. Javadoc generation
  5. Travis CI integration


  1. CDI support for routes and business module
  2. Archetypes and samples stability
  3. Simplified usage in general


  1. No more package as path property (use the standard archetype package property)
  2. Karaf 3.0.0.GA
  3. All IT’s test passing! (uses karaf file:/ url instead of on the fly inputstream bundle creation that makes it’s tests random results)
  4. CDI 1.1 support via Weld


  1. Rid of the src/main/lombok folder (lombok code can be put on the src/main/java one)
  2. Adding an archetype property ‘basePackageWithSlashes’ to generate default folders
  3. Removing some unused dependendencies