Karaf Features
What is it?
This is bunch of Karaf capabilities/features to enable a fully-fledged ESB project!
How to use?
First of all, if your looking for samples, go to the itests module.
If you want to have Osgiliath features in a Karaf 3 installation, type in the Karaf console: feature:repo-add mvn:net.osgiliath.framework/karaf-features-full/[Actual Osgiliath Version]/xml/features
Then install the feature you want (i.e. feature:install osgiliath-full)
Features summary:
- CDI: enables Context-dependency-injection in your project, i.e. declaring web-services endpoint via @Endpoint annotation, injecting beans with @Inject, declaring them via @Named…
- Derby: Derby file database on the fly creation: usefull for developping ;)
- Full: all the other features
- Functional: enables functional programming and many helpers for business programming (Guava, apache commons…).
- JaxRS: RestFul web services with apache CXF. Model marshalling/unmarshalling with Json and JaxB
- JPA: database persistence and transactions for your pojos!
- Messaging: async messaging and routes: JMS, ActiveMQ, Camel-*
- Security: Spring-security support.
- Standard: rewrapped native Karaf or other Apache framework features: for example resolves a dependency conflict for joda time when we installed the camel-xstream and cxf-jaxb native features.
- Validation: enable JSR339 (bean validation 1.1) and CDI-Validation on your project (annotating your Pojos with @NotNull, validating with @Valid on a method…)
- Itests: all the features integration tests, can be consulted as sample to succeed in implementing some piece of code.
- Routes: all the apache camel modules that have nothing to do in the messaging one.