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About Feature for integration tests

All test that ensures the functionality of different features

Project Modules

This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Osgiliath integration tests CDI Dependency injection with pax cdi integration tests
Osgiliath integration tests features Features for integrations tests
Property usage via Config resolver class CDI Property injection with deltaspike integration tests
Osgiliath integration tests JaxRS REST servcies support for Osgiliath framework
Entities for tests Persistence entities for tests
Osgiliath integration tests Persistence JPA (persistence) integration tests for Osgiliath framework
Osgiliath integration tests Validation Integration tests for JSR303 (bean validation) with blueprint
Osgiliath integration tests CDI Validation Integration tests for JSR303 (bean validation) with CDI
Osgiliath integration tests security Security integration tests for Osgiliath
Osgiliath integration tests messaging with cdi Integration tests for messaging with CDI support