Reference this feature in your pom: <dependency> <groupId>net.osgiliath.framework</groupId> <version>${osgiliath.maven.version.version}</version> <artifactId>net.osgiliath.feature.cdi</artifactId> <type>xml</type> <classifier>features</classifier> </dependency> And don’t forget to add the feature you want to use on your app features.xml
Then, add these capabilities on your osgi.bnd:
Require-Capability: osgi.extender;filter:="(osgi.extender=pax.cdi)", org.ops4j.pax.cdi.extension;filter:="(extension=pax-cdi-extension)"
You can also add a number of CDI portable extensions this way on your consumer bundle
Finally, add a mandatory META-INF/beans.xml file on your consumer project (for example, look at the cdi itests). Take a look at the Pax-CDI documentation for more information