User guide

Welcome to the Information System as a service Platform.

Have you ever dreamed to choose useful applications and deploy your entire information system with a PR and a simple

ansible-playbook -i inventories/my-server my-play.yml --ask-become-pass

So you have knocked on right door!

You’re navigating through a documentation that will let you consume or configure your entire information system in a few command.

Usage of the platform

This platform has been configured for a deployment on a single server. It’s a two step process:

First step: Cloning the entire repo

You should first clone the platform including submodules (ideally a fork):

git clone --recurse-submodules -j8 git://

Install prerequisites (tox, poetry, pip, vagrant) Then, use the ./configure ansible/ scripts to get all the dependent libraries (python mostly)

Second step: VM provision

The first roles to be executed will install and configure a virtualization technology then start three Virtual machines. It will also install a reverse proxy technology on the host and some dedicated storage as well

To configure it, tweak the inventories/provision-vms inventory Then, configure ssh access on your client to your hosts editing .ssh/config file

Host host
    User cmordantlocal
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_osgiliath
    ForwardX11Trusted yes
    ForwardX11 yes
    AddKeysToAgent yes
    UseKeychain yes

Then trigger the ansible playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/provision-vms osgiliath-provision.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass.txt -K

Before configuring the machines

If you use the role for kubernetes, your vms will be configured using bridge network. So before executing the next steps, as a prerequisite to configure vms, you’ll have to configure your router to group your vmasters and workers ips using static ips. then, add connections to bridge vms in your /etc/hosts, .ssh/config ansible/inventories/hosts

Third step: VM configuration

This third step will configure everything: NFS servers, kerberos, kubernetes, cni plugins, …​ To configure it, tweak the inventories/configure-vms inventory Then, configure ssh access on your client to your VMS editing .ssh/config file and configuring passthrough:

Host node
    HostName # be sure that this hostname is referenced in the /etc/hosts file of your host
    ProxyJump host
    ForwardAgent yes
    User cmordantlocal
    IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_osgiliath

Then trigger the ansible playbook:

ansible-playbook -i inventories/configure-vms osgiliath-configure.yml --vault-password-file .vault_pass.txt -K

Fourth step: configure kubectl

Finally, configure access to your kube master on your client:

First, configure a context in your kube cli config file (.kube/config)

- cluster:
    certificate-authority: /Users/charliemordant/.ssh/kubeCA_osgiliath.crt
    # server:
- name: kubeadmin.osgiliath
    client-certificate: /Users/charliemordant/.ssh/kubeAdm_osgiliath.crt
    client-key: /Users/charliemordant/.ssh/kubeAdm_osgiliath.pem

Your kube API should be accessible from your master’s `host via the 6443 port (routed via the ansible_routing nginx run on docker)

Platform concepts