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What’s this?

This is the superpom of all Osgiliath pom projects, it’s composed of multiple maven modules containing the different standard configurations, libraries…

How to use?

Just reference one of these poms at a parent pom of your project. i.e.: xml <parent> <artifactId>net.osgiliath.pom.dependency-management</artifactId> <groupId>net.osgiliath</groupId> <version>[Osgiliath_Version_To_Set]</version> <relativePath>..</relativePath> </parent>


You must have Maven installed on your PC (and maybe a JDK for some plugins execution).

Usage one: For Osgiliath contribution

Just mvn the parent project

Usage one for your project

Reference one of the superpom as a parent of your project (dependending your degree of Osgiliath EF compliance) then build it


Here is a little description of the different sub poms modules: * osgiliath.repositories: contains the different repositories to grab the different dependencies (empty to comply sonatype Central distribution policy) * osgiliath.reporting: contains the reporting configuration (checkstyle, pmd, sonar, …) * osgiliath.plugins: contains the global plugins configuration (weaving, creating manifests…) * osgiliath.dependency-management: the dependency management of the projects and their versions * osgiliath.projects.definition: the main configuration of Osgiliath private projects (where is sonar, jenkins…)