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You’ll find here all the project skeleton generators for osgiliath EF programming.

Model Archetype

This archetype is here to declare database (creation and access), your dao’s and entities:

  • Entities are the representation of your RDBMS tables in the Java world, you’ll be able to save/retreives these datas, this is also known as Model objects.
  • Dao permits to save, retreive and query the database to retreive/save entities

Default technologies

Lombok, Jsr 303 (bean validation), Blueprint, Spring-data-JPA, JPA 2, JTA (transactions), Derby as file database, Junit, Mockito

Business Archetype

Its made to process datas: for example make computation. It also exposes services, consume data, and in a general way (even if its not mandatory) is an intermediary to the Model part

Default technologies:

Guava, Lombok, CXF-JaxRS, JaxB, JSonP, Camel-JMS (producer/consumer), CDI, Jsr303, Spring-Security, DeltaSpike-Core, junit, Mockito, Pax-Exam (integration tests)

Route archetype

Made to route and transform messages between your different business/model module: while usefull in large projects, it maybe boilerplate on small ones.

Default technologies:

Camel-jms, Camel-CXFRS, Camel-CDI, Camel-Xstream, Camel-Jaxb, Camel-Json, Camel-XmlJson, Camel-blueprint (CDI alternative), springockito (mock tests), camel-spring(for tests).

UI Archetype

A web client for your application, can comunicate by default with routes or businesses modules via WebSocket (STOMP/StompXA) or REST.


Grunt, Bower, Npm, AngularJs, AngularUI, Twitter bootstrap, Karma (tests), PhantomJs (e2e tests)

Parent Archetype

Describes an entire application. Is used to be a container of many businesses/routes/model modules. It embed a descriptor allowing you to deploy an entire app in a command.


Karaf features


Add to the settings.xml of your maven if you’re behind a proxy: xml <settings> <profiles> <profile> <id>osgiliath-exec</id> <properties> <maven.user.settings.default>/usr/share/maven/conf/settings.xml</maven.user.settings.default> </properties> </profile> </profiles> <activeProfiles> <activeProfile>osgiliath-exec</activeProfile> </activeProfiles> </settings> If you’re on a Mac, you’ve also to add a java.home property pointing on your jdk 1.7 installation root.